Light and Satisfying Summer
Posted: Jun 24 2016
Posted: Jun 24 2016
Posted: Apr 18 2015
We are big believers in convenience, but when it comes to breakfast on the go, we prefer something made in the kitchen instead of something from a box, wrapper, bottle or can. Try this delicious Banana Cheerios Breakfast! It packs 6 grams of fiber and over 22 grams of high-quality, hunger-busting protein!
Posted: Jan 13 2015
Readers of our blog know that we love Lean Vanilla from Xyngular! It mixes easily, tastes great and provides high-quality protein perfect for meal replacement, and makes a satisfying treat when your sweet tooth starts acting up! Its so versatile and can be enjoyed in a number of delicious ways. Consider a delicious mmmm Mocha Lean Vanilla treat:
Posted: Sep 30 2014
Readers of our blog know that we love Lean vanilla, and consider it the best tasting, easiest mixing, protein-packed meal replacement available today! Although the recommended serving size is one scoop, we have discovered that two or even three scoops are ideal for meal replacement. When mixed with fruit and ice, Lean vanilla takes on many different flavor profiles. With 10 grams of protein per scoop, Lean vanilla is ideal for those looking for a high-protein meal replacement or delicious indulgence.
Consider a Lean pumpkin spice smoothie! Its sooooo delicious with that pumpkin-spice flavor that is so popular this time of year. Make one today, and you'll be hooked!